Monday, October 27, 2008

Tons of new posts!

I just updated the blog with several new posts, including pics and videos! Enjoy!

Fall Fun!

We spent the weekend with my family in Tifton. My sister Sherri is such a creative and talented person! She made Marli Claire an adorable fall skirt. We had so much fun taking pictures!!! Where in the world were Aunt Sherri and Austin?

Sweet Little Pumpkin!


Marli Claire & Nunny

Happy Fall!

Pretty please?

Ches acting crazy!!!

Marli Claire & Uncle Andy

What are you doing Ches?

Marli Claire & Uncle Tim

Amanda, Marli Claire, & Ches

5 Months! Already?

Miss Marli Claire is growing so fast! It's incredible how much she is changing. She is such a happy baby, laughing and smiling, everyday. She is now 5 months old, and weighs 12 pounds, such a tiny little girl. We are soooo blessed!