Sunday, September 27, 2009

Marli Claire & Eli

We FINALLY got together with our friends Wesley, Candy, and Eli. We had a great time, and Marli LOVED Candy. It is so great to have awesome friends!





Thursday, September 24, 2009

Random Ramblings 1

I have random thoughts everyday, some I think about more frequently than others. Honestly, I keep them to myself because they are outrageous! Surely others have these thoughts too. It can't just be me. Right?

I said all of that to say this, I think I will start sharing some of them. (Right now, my sister Sherri is saying, "NO NO, please NO!") But, I'm gonna! I am going to entitle each of them Random Ramblings. I will post them when they come to me.

For instance, last week, one of my guests (Aveda word for client) and I were talking about cleaning our ears out. No, this is not usual conversation in the salon, but that isn't the point here. I have thought about it everyday since. I LOVE CLEANING MY EARS!!! Now, for those of you who are thinking at this very moment of posting a comment about the harm in cleaning your ears out with Q-tips, DON'T! I already know. SIDE NOTE: I actually had to have my right ear cleaned out by a doctor my senior year of high school because of using Q-tips. I had temporarily lost the hearing in my right ear. I will spare you the details, but I must say that It was well worth it. There is just something about walking in to the bathroom, taking the top off of the jar, pulling out that beautiful white cotton tip, and cleaning my ear. I'm embarrassed to admit, that it happens to be one of the highlights of my day. Sad I know! I know that I have a simple life when the highlights of my day are:

1. Spending time with my husband AT HOME!
2. Loving on my beautiful little girl.
3. Listening to online sermons on my lunch break!
4. Chatting with my mom on the way home from work. (and cracking up with my bro-in-law Andy over Blackberry Messenger)
5. Reaching in the fridge for a ice cold can of Coca-Cola Classic.
6. Cleaning my ears with Q-tips!

What in the world has happenned to me? I don't know, but I love it! Back to the Q-tips! Why does it feel so good? Why am I addicted? I want to know, are you addicted too?

Monday, September 21, 2009

An Unexpected Gift

TRUE STORY! Matthew’s birthday was September 9th. You know, when you want to buy your spouse something for his birthday, it feels weird using the debit card to buy it, right? If your husband is like mine, he would know what he got anyway, because he checks the online banking about 50 times a day. SIDE NOTE: money is not going to magically appear in the account just because you check it online! Anyway, that is all beside the point. I always hide my cash tips in the back of my wallet in a zipper pocket (probably not anymore, because Matthew will now know). I use the cash tips to buy something fun, most of the time for Marli. So, I had been saving for Matthew’s birthday so that I didn’t have to use the debit card. I was able to get MC’s pictures made and still have money left over to buy the Ray-Ban Aviator sunglasses that he has been wanting (thanks to my mom). I was excited because I led him to believe that I didn’t get him anything due to lack of funds. I decided to just get a gift card for him from The Sunglass Hut so that he could choose the pair he wanted. They of course all look the exact same to me. Again, beside the point. Yesterday, we went to the mall for Matthew’s annual birthday trip with his grandmother, and he finally got his sunglasses. I definitely told him that he looks better than Brad Pitt in his, and he does. When he took his grandmother home, she went to the back of the house and returned holding a case in her hand. She told him that she remembered her husband (Matthew’s grandfather) owning a pair of Ray-Ban glasses too. The glasses look IDENTICAL to the ones he just bought, and the case hasn’t changed either. His grandfather had taken such good care of them, that it looked like they had never been worn. Matthew lost his grandfather not too long before he and I started dating. They had an incredible relationship, and he misses him very much. The two of them must have been more alike than I even knew. What a special pair of aviators! Needless to say, we are headed back to Sunglass Hut to return the overpriced glasses that we bought yesterday.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Final Farewell


Dear Starbucks Grande Skinny Vanilla Latte (extra hot),

The time has come for me to say, "goodbye.". We've been through a lot together. You've been a crutch for me to lean on in times of need. You've been the one to keep me awake when driving on long road trips, when everyone else fell asleep. You've helped me through the countless yo-yo dieting days. I could give you hundreds of meaningless quotes, such as, "It's not you, it me." Please know that there is one and only one reason for this sudden break-up, THE BUDGET. If you are looking for someone to blame, don't blame yourself, blame my friend and co-worker, Sara Moore for pointing out how much $ I have spent at your fine establishment over the last month. Since your recent breakup with Sara, she and her husband were able to become first time homeowners. I'm just saying! If needed, I can break it down, mathematically, for you:

1 cup = apprx $5
x 7 days = $35/wk
x 4 wks = $ 140/month (may I point out that this is more that our monthly Duke Energy Bill)
x 12 months = $1,820/yr

I will stop there knowing that it is too painful for you to bear more. I will always have a very special place in my heart for you. Thank you for being there for me. Although we can no longer see each other, I hope we can still be friends. It is best this way. I simply want MC to be able to go to college one day. You understand, don't you? If you love me, you will let me go. So, this is it, our final goodbye. It's more difficult than I ever imagined. Farewell my Grande Skinny Vanilla Latte Extra Hot. You will be greatly missed!



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Feliz cumpleaƱos, papƔ!

Today is Matthew's birthday, so we surprised him with a book of pics of Marli Claire. I had them printed in wallet size and made a cover for him to keep in his wallet that says, "You know you're a dad when pictures of your daughter take the place of your money." Is this not true? While my mom was visiting this weekend, we snuck away and had these made. Matthew was so surprised! I know it won't be long before it is highly inappropriate for Marli to be shirtless, so we decided to have one more shot at the pettiskirt pics. Happy Birthday Matthew!

P.S. - If you know MC, then you know that we have at least one "meltdown" per photo shoot. I had to add those too.




Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Please Pray!

My sister went to the doctor this morning, and was diagnosed with the H1 N1 aka Swine Flu. She is extremely sick. Please pray for her.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

MC aka "gangsta"

Marli Claire LOVES music, almost as much as I do. She has more rhythm than any 16 month old I have ever seen. We listen to LECRAE, a christian rapper, who is truly talented. His lyrics are awesome! I promise that I didn't teach her this head bob!