Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Miss America (4th of July)

Miss America Gone Mad!

Another one of Aunt Sherri's onesie creations!

Cute little backside

Marli falling asleep while Apryl burped her.

Marli already has a poutie face!

We had such a great time on the 4th of July at Myrtle Beach with our friends, Daniel and Apryl.


  1. at first i thought she looked a lot like matthew, but now i see you delecta, like A LOT!
    i hope you guys are adjusting well.
    so happy for ya'll.

  2. Delecta, So good to hear from you. What a beautiful little you one guys made... I love the poutie face. Maybe our little man and your little one will go to ABAC and become friends. Of course they might never be as cool as we were.

  3. Delecta,
    Thanks for your comment on JJ's blog. Marli is such a pretty little baby! Congratulations! Time flies by...we can't believe our little one is already 6 months! Treasure every second of it! :) - Josh and Valeria.
