Sunday, March 1, 2009

Marli Claire's First Snow Day

What a mess! It began snowing at 5:00 pm yesterday. At 7:55 PM, we were getting psyched for Amazing Race, when all of a sudden, LIGHTS OUT! That's right, we lost power. To make it even better, we were the only house in our entire neighborhood to lose power. It got colder and colder as the hours went by. At 11:00 PM, we decided that we had to get Marli warm. We packed up and went to sleep at Matthew's grandma's. It makes it so difficult when you take a 9 month old out of her routine, but we survived!!! When Marli woke up, she was so confused, she didn't know where she was. We took as many pics as we could before Marli got mad that the wind was taking her breath away. Enjoy the pics from yet another adventure in the life of Marli Claire.

Last night at our home.


This snowball is for Austin, Ches, and Amanda!

As you know, Marli Claire, recently started crawling. We just wanted to share this video of our little munchkin loving her newfound freedom!

1 comment:

  1. awwww, delecta, she is growing up super fast. she is just beautiful. wish we lived closer. miss you.
