Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I would like to thank you all for praying for my mom! Update - The muscle in her heart is working at about 20%. Apparantly, a virus attacked her heart at some point causing this damage. The solution? She is going to have to make some difficult lifestyle changes. The hardest thing, NO SALT! She is doing great so far, so please continue to pray for her as she changes her life. These are some pics from last week in Tifton!

In the hospital, acting like ET, very LOUDLY! (FYI - This is before the drugs!)

My brother-in law making faces with just one of Sherri's gourmet desserts. (Frozen Berries with a White Chocolate cream sauce)

Right after she was told NO SALT! (She really didn't eat any!)


  1. Thankful your mama is going to recover. And bless her in her "life changes." I'm sure it will be difficult but she can do it!

    Also, I guess I know where you get your spunkiness...she seems like a riot!

  2. your mom seems fun!

    I will pray for her...I can't imagine life without salt. Is it all salt or just no adding salt?

  3. i love your mom! and your (our)! family. hope ya'll are doing great!
