Thursday, April 22, 2010

30 at 30!

So, I turned 30 a couple of weeks ago. I want to thank you all for wishing me a Happy Birthday! Most of you know that my motto for this birthday was, "I'm giving up being a very old 20, and starting a new year as a very young 30! I heard some great things from you all, one of my favorites, 30 is the new 20. So true!

I posted in January about my lifestyle change, aka my diet, but I haven't updated you since then. Since the middle of January, I've lost 30 pounds! I have also started working out with a PT 5x/week. I feel better than I have felt in a long time. I'm almost back to my college weight!

Anyway, speaking of my birthday and diet. Wait a minute! Those two things don't go together at all. You can't diet on your 30th birthday!!! I thought I would share a pic of my birthday lunch.

After lunch, we hung out with my family, watched Marli swing in her new swing (thank you ANDY), and then went to dinner at Thaicoon. I forgot to mention the delicious cupcake from my favorite shop, Iced, that I enjoyed in the middle of the day.

The next day, after church, my family went with us downtown for some pics and gelato at Luna Rosa. I am starting to see a pattern here. I think the only thing I did for my birthday is EAT! Here are some pics from downtown:

[I did steal/borrow these pics from my sister's blog, which happens to be the funniest blog EVER!]

There you have it! 30 is the new 20!


  1. And now I know what I want for a snack after supper - slaw dog! (It's tough eating for 3: me, Leah, & baby #2. :)

  2. I totally don't know you and that's ok (I followed you over from Corletta's blog..don't know her either) and I just want to say "congrats"!!! You and Corletta inspire me to keep going! I started my weight loss journey in January as well and lost 32 pounds at 32 years of age! I still have a few more left, though, after having 4 kids. Anyway, keep going, you're doing awesome and keep looking to Jesus!

  3. Delecta,
    You are so silly! I love how you told the whole truth with what you ate for your birthday lunch. Ha...all you did was eat...stop it! You looked good while you were eating...right.... :) By the way...apparently you got a new friend from my blog. Hmmm...I wonder who that is?!?!

  4. Happy late Bday! Hope it was awesome!

  5. oh super happy belated birthday...I've kind of been a little disconnected from the blogworld lately. BTW...can't believe how big she is getting! oh my goodness!

  6. Way to go on the weight loss. Wish I could get motivated...I just love food so much! :)
