Monday, May 17, 2010

Video - Fiesta

Saturday, we celebrated Marli Claire's 2ND birthday with a fiesta. She had a blast! We would like to thank you all for coming to celebrate with us. I put together a slide show of the fiesta highlights.

Some of you asked for several of our fiesta recipes. I thought it would be easier to include them here. [You can click on the recipe to view a larger image.] The corn salsa and southwest sauce are unbelievably good as toppings on your tacos or as a dip with chips.


  1. yum! a fiesta! mexican is my fav thing to cook these days. i think i'm 1/64 hispanic (or something). anyway, i love the pics. we had a fiesta for J's 3rd bday party. lots of fun. i wish our kids knew each other. boo for living so far away.

  2., this comment is about your Mother's Day post. Girl..I almost cried reading it. Let me clarify, I AM NOT the sappy type. That was the SWEETEST dang thing that I have ever read!!! Thought you should know :)

  3. such a cool idea for a party..everything was awesome! thanks so much for inviting us to celebrate! We had a lot of fun!
