Friday, January 20, 2012


I remember walking in to my very first dance class like it was yesterday. In fact, it's one of the only memories I have as a small child. I remember the smell of the hardwood floors. I remember the smell of my ballet shoes. I remember peeing in my pants because I was having so much fun that I didn't want to take a potty break. Sad, but true!

All of these memories came rushing back on Tuesday morning when I walked my baby girl in to her first class. As I watched her, tears started welling up, mainly because I realized how fast she is growing up, and if I'm honest, partly because I am growing up too.

From the moment that the nurse said, "it's a girl," I have been thinking about her first dance class. I take that back, it was a few moments after the nurse told us she was a girl, because I took about five minutes asking the nurse on a scale of 1-10, how sure was she that we were having a girl. Apparently, this was offensive? While Matthew was thinking about how many boys he was going to have to beat off of her one day, I was thinking about a beautiful ballerina!

I know what you're thinking, "well, what if MC doesn't want to dance, what she wants to play softball instead?" TOUGH! Ok, I'm kind of kidding. I promised myself that if she didn't like dance after the four trial classes, that I wouldn't force, I mean, encourage her to go back. Thankfully, she loved her first class, and has asked to go back every day. In fact, that night she begged me to let her wear her leotard and tap shoes to bed. Looking back, I should've just let her, I mean, what is it going to hurt?

I snapped what the other moms probably thought was a thousand shots, but I wanted every single detail documented. No, I'm not going to be one of those moms who ends up on the TLC show, "Dance Moms!" Calm Down!

I did make MC a video to keep, which was fun, because I haven't made one in a while. Please know, that the photos look like they do because I was shooting through a glass window with parents glares showing up on the glass. I did think for a moment, of asking them to move, then decided they would probably hold a dance mom meeting about how to get us out. I chose to smile, while trying to will them out of the shots with my eyes! Oh well, darn my manners!

Before you watch the video, I'd like to share my will see in the actual video shots: 1. MC doing her "own moves" throughout the entire class. 2. MC being more interested in looking at herself in the mirror than anything else. 3. MC actually bending over while using her hands to try to force her feet to move to ballet first position (my favorite moment) and 4. MC loving those tap shoes so much that she jumps while everyone else does what the teacher instructs so that she can hear them tap! I can't wait for her to watch this back when she gets older, I feel like it will answer a lot of questions she has about herself and maybe her mom too!


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