Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Random Rambling Tuesday - Caring Less

I have this extremely annoying habit of correcting others grammar when chatting. I have to blame my momma. She corrected us, and has now passed the torch down to me. I shouldn’t say she has passed the torch, because she definitely still corrects me. Matthew hates (secretly appreciates) this habit! Depending on who I am speaking with determines whether I keep the corrections in my head, or blurt them out. I mean no harm. HELLO??? Have you seen how many commas and exclamation marks I use? I don’t try to pretend that I am an English scholar, but it is something that I cannot help. Speaking of…

Something has been bothering me for quite some time. I’ve mentioned it to many people when the subject arises, and sometimes in casual conversation. Have you heard the saying, “I could care less?” Of course you have! For the life of me, I can’t figure out what it means. It doesn’t make sense to me. I COULD CARE LESS??? Shouldn’t we say, “I couldn’t care less?” Right? If we could care less, the statement wouldn’t be affective. Anyway, that is my random rambling for today.

What do you think? Explain!

[Sidenote: Please do not send me grammatical corrections to this post. Thank you!]


The Hudgins said...

very similar to a huge pet peeve of mine.

"irregardless"....should be REGARDLESS folks!
Dictionary.com says the word is non-standard because it contains two negatives. "ir" and "less"...
and you are a math major so you know that two negatives = what? a Positive!

and this is more pronunciation, but "flustrated" rather than "frustrated".
but urbandictionary.com says this is common to the southeast US and sometimes means "flustered" and "frustrated" at the same time. but most times it's just a mispronunciation.


Corletta said...

You are an absolute nut! I seriously had to think about that saying for a bit :) You're right! You should also know that I think it's HILARIOUS that you told readers not to correct your dang blog....LOVE IT! Good seeing you on Sunday, even though it wasn't on the stage with a DANG microphone :)

Parkison Family said...

This is tooooo deep for me! ha

Lauren said...

I'm pretty sure it should be "effective" not "affective." Dang it, I just couldn't help myself...I think I'm like you.